The holiday times can be quite difficulty when a loved one is not with us. Just know that You can get through this.
- Acknowledge that the holidays may be different or difficult for you. This helps to open up your emotional space.
2. Lean into your Emotions: Grief is not the same for everyone so, You may feel
Angry, sad, relieved, apprehensive, joyful or happy.
- You may not feel like celebrating and that’s okay too. Give yourself space and time
Surround yourself with those who love and respect you regardless.
- Set boundaries and manage expectations. Saying “NO” is totally fine if you don’t feel up to cooking the annual meal for example. There is no shame to going to and sit and feast at someone else’s table. Don’t feel bad.
5.If you do feel up to making the family meal than do so, but plan ahead to reduce the feelings of stress
6.Be sure to include one of your loved one’s favorite dishes. This honors them. If you try to duplicate one of their recipes and it doesn’t come out the way they did it. That’s ok too, I am sure a good laugh could come out of this.
7.Oh yes Laugh, laugh and laugh some more during these times. Reminisce on the fun times you had with your loved one.
8.Other ways are to light a candle to honor your loved one
9.Hang a special ornament to the Christmas tree can also be a great way to honor them.
Just know that this is your Grief Journey and it can only be guided by you. Enjoy and be the best you that you can be. Be Inspired!
Check out my latest youTube video about Grief and the Holidays